Set up your Omisell account

Personal information settings After logging in to Omisell, you need to set up personal information to be able to use the features on the system. Go to Settings in the lower-left corner of the screen -> Profile -> Fill in personal information in the blank box. Set pickup address Set the pickup address so that […]
Benefits of using Omisell

Sales management software is no longer a strange phrase for business owners, especially in the era where online sales are booming like today. Having sales management software not only gives businesses convenience and simplicity in the management process but also helps promote business more smoothly. So how is Omisell’s omnichannel sales management system different from […]
How to create bundle/combo in Omisell?

Creating bundle Before creating a bundle, you are required to sync all products from (e-commerce and sales) platforms first, then you can link to the products inventories because when the order is synced from the platforms, only then Omisell would notice the bundle (multiple products in order) and hence Omisell can adjust inventories accordingly. After […]
Instructions on the process of returned goods and updating inventory to Omisell

Selling online is inevitable that you have to receive some refund orders from buyers for many reasons. However, when you are at a large scale, this is not easy to control closely. We will introduce you to the process and how to use the Omisell system to control and reconcile refund orders. Go through the […]
Telesale Staff Management

The Telesale application allows Telesale staff to manage and be in charge of orders that are automatically delivered on Omisell. Order processing After being authorized, the telesale will log in their account to Omisell -> go to the Telesale application at the App Store. The telesales staff’s screen will display as shown below. Telesale will […]
How To Change Order Information On Omisell?

Changing order information is a regular thing that happens while you sell online, including e-commerce platforms such as Lazada, Shopee … or websites on Haravan and Shopify platforms. However, when are we allowed to change order information on Omisell, and how to ensure maximum consistency and synchronization when you do this. You are allowed to […]
How to cancel orders in Omisell?

Canceling an order seems like a simple action, but when operating omnichannel sales, you need to learn the sales policy of each channel to make the correct decisions. You can cancel an order on Omisell and keep the order status on the sales channel This is done when you want to synchronize the order information […]
Update Mincode for products listed for sale on Tiki

What is Mincode Tiki? Mincode is a type of barcode printed from the vendor system. This barcode will be used to paste on the product because the Tiki delivery requires a code. Barcodes are blurred. Or if you paste it incorrectly, it will be returned. So when importing goods to Tiki warehouse, you need to […]
How To Update Selling Price For Multiple Products?

Omisell allows users to update the selling price of all products in a shop with just one declaration, saving time in updating prices for products. To do this, follow these steps: Step 1: Go to “Catalogue” >> select “Update price” Step 2: In the newly opened window, select the shop you want to update the […]
How to cancel the listing of a product on Omisell

In the course of your business, you want to stop selling a product and sync this to the sales channel. Omisell offers you two ways to do it: 1. Stop selling products on one channel Go to “Catalogue”, find the product you want to stop selling, and then select the 3 dot button => Inactive […]
Steps to set up a new product (pre-order) on the sales channel

A reasonable sales strategy always makes a difference and is optimal when you sell online. When preparing to launch a new product, you need to keep in mind the steps to take to maximize sales, reduce inventory, and increase the likelihood of success. Post products for sale first & do writing articles to capture search […]
How to login Omisell with Boxme account

The Omisell system allows users with a Boxme account to log in directly to the system without creating a new account. To log in with Boxme and Omisell accounts at the Oisell login link, select Login with Boxme. At the newly opened interface, enter your Boxme account name and password. After entering the name and […]